Published on Tuesday, September 27, 2022. Information subject to change.
Louisville, KY is in the Eastern Daylight Time Zone. All times shown are local time for Louisville.
7:00 p.m. – Gates Open
7:30 p.m – National Anthem
8:00 p.m. – Westfield High School, IN
8:15 p.m. – Lawrence Township, IN
8:30 p.m. – Madison Central High School, KY
8:45 p.m. – North Hardin High School, KY
9:00 p.m. – Decatur Central High School, IN
9:15 p.m. – Columbus High School, IN
9:30 p.m. – Lakota East High School, OH
9:45 p.m. – Walled Lake High School, MI
10:00 p.m. – Bourbon County High School, KY
10:15 p.m. – Carmel High School, IN
10:30 p.m. – Brownsburg High School, IN
10:45 p.m. – Centerville High School, OH
Prelims Performance Schedule as of 9/20/22:
6:45 AM – Box Office Opens
7:45 AM – Preliminary Competition Begins
10:00 AM – BREAK
10:30 AM – Preliminary Competition Resumes
12:45 PM – LUNCH
1:45 PM – Preliminary Competition Resumes
4:45 PM – Preliminary Competition Ends
Exhibition: Univ. of Louisville Cardinal Marching Band
All Competing Band Drum Majors
5:30 PM – Finalist Directors Meeting
Stadium Cleared
Dinner Break
7:30 PM – National Anthem – Univ. of Louisville Cardinal Marching Band
Special On-Field Welcome
7:45 PM – Class Exhibition (If Needed)
8:00 PM – First Performing Finalist Band
11:00 PM – Finals Competition Ends
Exhibition: Univ. of Louisville Cardinal Marching Band
We will present recognition awards; highest achievement awards in each of four classes, and first, second, and third place in each class, followed by the announcement of the evening’s twelve 12 bands. Class Champion bands not among the top 12 scoring finalist bands are invited to perform during Finals in exhibition.
The Classification used in Bands of America Regional Championship Class Awards is determined by school enrollment, grades 10 through 12.
To carry out the difficult task of rating and ranking each band according to the Bands of America adjudication system, we have selected established experts in music education and the marching specialty.
Evan Hinds, O’Fallon, IL – Music
Mike Leitzke, Franklin, TN – Music
Caleb Rothe, Fontana, CA – Music
Jay Webb, Avon, IN – Music
Ira Jenkins, Atlanta, GA – Visual
Neal Smith, Canton, MA – Visual
Michael Tarr, Wyandotte, MI – Visual
Ken Giese, Las Vegas, NV – Chief Judge
Bands receive recorded evaluation and scoresheets from each judge. The emphasis is on the input the judge offers to the band’s program. It is the position of Bands of America that music is the more important aspect of the performance, with marching as the presentation and visual enhancement of the program. Likewise, greater emphasis is placed on general effect than on fine-line perfection of the performance.
The weight of the numbers places:
Each judge is assigned a specific area on which they focus: ensemble and general effect judges are located at a vantage point from above (e.g., press box), and individual performance judges are located on the field.Â
Who can enroll in Bands of America events?
Enrollment is open to all high school bands on a first-come, first-served basis.
How is performance order determined?
Preliminary performance times are scheduled based on a random draw. Applications received and paid for on or before January 31, 2022 were eligible for the initial draw, after which performance times are based on postmark of application, with earlier postmarks receiving the later performance times. The previous year’s Regional Champion has the option to choose its Prelims performance time. Finals performances are scheduled by a random draw on site.
How is classification determined?
Bands of America has a four-class system. Bands are assigned to classes based on the following enrollment levels (grades 10-12):
• Class A – 600 or fewer
• Class AA – 601 -1325
• Class AAA – 1326 -1850
• Class AAAA – 1851 or more
Per our commitment to re-evaluate the classification system, classification numbers are examined and reset every three (3) years by a procedure that considers the composition of Bands of America Championship participation using three years of data. The maximum enrollment number for Class A remains constant, while the enrollment levels for Classes AA, AAA, and AAAA are adjusted to levels (for the next three years) that would have established equal, cumulative numbers of participants in each class over the prior three (3) years. The current classification is set to begin with the Fall 2022 season, and the next reclassification will occur effective Fall 2025. For purposes of determining enrollment, your principal must certify enrollment and consider all those students in the grades 10-12 population as reported on fall State and/or FTE funding reports.
Why aren’t the classifications announced?
By nature, appreciation of arts requires subjective reactions. We do not announce or publish band classifications, before or during events. Our intention is to not draw attention to classification, to eliminate expectations of a band’s performance based on class, including those of the judges.
How are finalist bands selected?
The top 12 scoring bands, regardless of class, are invited to compete in the evening’s Regional Finals. For Indianapolis and St. Louis Super Regionals, the top 14 scoring bands, regardless of class, will advance to Finals. For the San Antonio Super Regional, the five highest scoring bands in each of the two Prelims judging panels, regardless of class, plus the next four highest scoring bands from both of the two Prelims, regardless of class, will advance to Finals. If a Class Champion is not among the highest scoring bands advancing to Finals, they will be invited to perform at Finals in exhibition.
Is electronic recording allowed in the stadium?
No video or audio recording is permitted in the stadium without the express written permission of Music for All, in advance of the event.
Camera Policy:
Any still camera (making film or digital still pictures) is allowed into and may be used from the spectator seating area of any venue, as long as it does not interfere with or disrupt the viewing experience of any other spectator. Family, friends, and fans may take still photos of BOA events for personal use only. The images may not be sold or otherwise distributed without the written permission of Music for All. Cameras (of any kind) may not be used on the field. People with field passes or name badges must go into the stands to take digital or film pictures. Tripods or other similar equipment that obstruct the view or path of travel of others in seating areas are not allowed.
Clear Bag Policy
Music for All encourages spectators to not bring bags into venues. Only clear bags and emergency bags will be permitted. Bag policies are effective to expedite entry into venues and provide additional safety. Spectators will be allowed to bring items such as cameras, provided they are not in cases that would violate the bag policy at that venue.
Thank you to University of Louisville for serving as host of today’s championship. University of Louisville volunteers are making today’s event happen! Thank you to Amy Acklin and the University of Louisville.
Including Honor Band of America, Honor Orchestra of America, Jazz Band of America